What is the ECG test? When you need it?

The ECG or electrocardiogram is a type of medical test that is used to detect abnormalities related to cardiac by measuring the electrical gravity being generated by the heart while contracting. The machine that is used for recording the patient's ECG is known as an electrocardiograph. The instrument can record the electrical activity of the heart muscles and uses a paper and screen for display. The data can be interpreted by one of the best cardiologists in BHEL, Hyderabad.
The healthy heart has a particular type of ECG, but if any irregularity is found in the heart muscles, then it can result in a change in the shape of ECG too. The best heart specialist in JNTU, Hyderabad recommends an ECG for the people who are found to be at risk with heart disease because of their family history for heart disease. The other reason for the same is that they smoke, or have diabetes, are overweight, suffering from high blood pressure or cholesterol.
ECG Procedure:
If you are going for an ECG test, then never restrict your drinks or food. Let your best cardiology doctors in lingampally know what type of medications you are consuming before going through the ECG test. If, in any case, do you have any allergies related to the adhesive tapes attached to the electrodes, speak to the best heart specialist in Chanda Nagar, Hyderabad.
While going for the ECG, you need to remove your upper clothing to attach electrodes to your limbs and chest. The sensors or electrodes are known to be attached to the legs, chest, and arms with the help of a sticky gel or suction cups. The electrodes can detect the electric currents being generated by the heart, and they are recorded and measured by the electrocardiograph.
Three types of ECG are available in the market:
Resting ECG: The patient need to lie down, and does not allow any movement while performing the test. The electric impulses generated by various muscles can interfere with the ones that are made by the heart. These types of ECG test in miyapur x roads, Hyderabad takes about five to ten minutes.
Ambulatory ECG: If you are going forward for a holter or ambulatory ECG, try wearing a portable recording device for about 24 hours. Although you are free to roam around, the monitor remains attached. These types of ECG test in Kothaguda Junction, Hyderabad are for the people projecting the symptoms for intermittent and will not show up in any other types of ECG.
Cardiac Stress test
These types of tests are recorded for the ECG while you plan to walk on a treadmill or ride an exercise bike. The test takes about 15 to 30 to perform.
Do you need an ECG test?
The ECG test in madinaguda is not useful for routine checkups and for the people who do not tend to counter the risk factors for heart disease like high blood pressure, chest pain, etc. Many people feel no symptoms or risk factors find ECG as a part of their routine checkups. In some cases, the ECG can be found to be quite valuable to conduct this test. If you have enlarged heart issues like shortening of breath, heavy or irregular heartbeats, heart disease symptoms, etc., do opt for ECG test in Kondapur, Hyderabad and start with mild exercise.